Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Blessings of an Unplanned Pregnancy

Over six years ago on a Tuesday a 19 year old girl from NY was brought into Birthline of San Diego by a teacher from the school she had been attending, a post-high school design school. In the second semester of school, she and an old boyfriend connected up and she became pregnant. The boyfriend split, her parents cut all ties with her as did the rest of her family. One of her teachers found her sobbing on the curb outside of school. She asked him to take her to an abortion clinic and instead he brought her to Birthline. One of our Birthline volunteers, spent the next two years helping her get and stay on her feet. She found her a bed at Cortez Hill after many phone calls, wait lists and interviews. She had no car so we assisted her with transportation (going above and beyond the call of a volunteer) to get her to Birthline and other resources in the community. Friends of Birthline in LA donated necessary baby items as well as maternity clothes. With the help of Cortez Hill, we found her a doctor at Sharp Mary Birch hospital and got her signed up with WIC (Women, Infants and Children).  She gave birth to a healthy baby boy and she was so thrilled to be a new mother. She could not believe she ever considered having an abortion. Her baby boy was such a beautiful blessing. Our client did some job training programs and started looking for a minimum wage job for starters. Birthline continued to help her with diapers and other baby supplies. She began to share photos of her baby boy with her family and when he was 9 months old her family had a change of heart and sent her a ticket home. She was thrilled. We helped her ship her baby items back home and put mom and baby on a flight to NY.

That was 6 years ago and the mom recently reconnected with us on facebook. She is now married and they have a baby girl and run a family business. They spend lots of time with grandparents and we could not be happier for her and her baby who almost wasn't.

This is what Birthline is all about. We are here in a time of crisis to stay with a client until they get back on their feet and can create a good life for their babies.

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